Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Should Congress Impeach?

Saturday night I had the incredible opportunity to ask Whoopi Goldberg a question that I have been pondering for quite awhile. (thanks SPEC!!).

In her lecture, at Irvine Auditorium, Whoopi talked about a whole range of topics but the thing that resonated the most was when she talked about the need to hold people accountable in our society. My question was whether the impeachment of Bush and Cheney was the way to truly hold them accountable for their lies and plundering of this country.

Her answer in a nutshell was that it's too late. She encouraged me to look to the future and the 08 candidates. (at least that was my recollection, granted I was a little nervous standing at the mic). This is the same response I hear from the establishment democrats that I have often read and hear on television. They say that it is either a distraction from accomplishing a progressive legislative agenda, or that it will jeopardize the democrats' chances in 08. Moreover, some claim that the American people won't support it, worried that if the Democratic Congress pursues Impeachment, that they will experience a backlash similar to what the Republicans felt after the Clinton Impeachment.

I disagree and was frustrated by Nancy Pelosi's assertion in the 2006 mid-term election campaign that impeachment was off the table. Why should I be looking to the 08 cycle? There is over a year left and Bush is still doing damage. Bush is actively stopping progressive legislation, most recently his veto of SCHIP (Colbert segment on SCHIP).

I hope to talk about this a lot more on this blog. What do you think? Should Congress impeach Bush and/or Cheney?



Susie Christianson said...

I don't understand how our Congress has become such a cowardly bunch of sniveling swine. It is their duty to present opposition to the Executive Branch in order to have balance.

They say that if we begin Impeachment proceedings against Bush & Cheney, that is will be a distraction from accomplishing a progressive legislative agenda. What agenda? Every bill that goes before our little dictator gets altered behind the scenes. And really, how can we, as a Democracy, get anything done with all our strength, power, and funds being sent overseas?

If I stand on your front door with an Uzi, shooting at all, are you really going to be concerned with education?

There's a war going on that is killing millions of people. And FOR WHAT? What the hell are we there for?

Impeachment isn't a toy. It isn't a tool to spank the Prez & his Cabinet. It's there because there might be a need to stop power-hungry dictators.

Impeachment isn't "on the table" because future Presidents, whomever they may be, want that SAME power for themselves and their party... the power of complete atonomy. The power to do whatever the hell they want. Bush & Cheney have set the stage and it doesn't matter what party you dance with - the power bar has been set.

Eguy said...

I am going to disagree with Goldberg.

I must mention I am not American. I am Canadian, so this issue, unfortunately, will effect me lots. To say it is too late to impeach now is to say NO over all. Now is the perfect time. You know in detail the president's crimes. Also it is well supported by facts. The democratic party is too much of a classic political party to impeach. They are to busy worrying about 2008 and not doing what is best for their country, and more over the world.

I also agree with your statement that “Bush is still doing damage. Bush is actively stopping progressive legislation, most recently his veto of SCHIP.” He also vetoed a bill for stem cell research, and will stop any attempt to pull out of Iraq. Unfortunately, the congress and more importantly Americans would not have that happen. It would be the first step.

Very good blog.