Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What's in a name?

Diversity & Equity, Affirmative Action, Pluralism?

All three have been the names of official committees set up at the University of Pennsylvania to address issues of diversity, inclusiveness and affirmative action.

Last year, the University Council adopted a bylaw change that merged the President’s Affirmative Action Council and the University Council Committee on Pluralism into a single advisory body whose work would be reflective of the charges of both Committees. The new advisory body, the Committee on Diversity & Equity, was established with Dr. Bernett Johnson as its Chair and Dr. Judy Shea as its Interim Chair. You can view their annual report here.

So, how is our new committee doing this year?

Unfortunately, the new Diversity & Equity committee has not met yet, although I am told an email was recently sent out to try and schedule the first meeting. There is also a new chair, John Jackon, the new Penn Integrates Knowledge professor. Like he isn't busy enough trying to get acquainted to Penn! In addition to having a chair that is brand new to Penn, almost the entire committee is made up of new members to Diversity & Equity. Only one member of last year's committee has returned.

2007-08 Diversity & Equity Members

2006-07 Members:
Bernett Johnson, Chair
Camille Charles - Faculty
Judy Shea - Faculty, Interim Chair
Howard Stevenson - Faculty
Rosalyn Watts - Faculty
Irene Wong -Faculty
Shakirah Simley - Undergraduate Student
Jerome Wright - Undergraduate Student
Mahlet Mesfin - Graduate Student
Susana Ramirez - Graduate Student
Marina DeScenza Walker -PPSA
Karen Ringlaben - PPSA
Karima Williams - WPSA
Mary Jones-Parker -WPSA

Where does it leave all the important issues that were on the agenda last year? To refresh our memories here is a brief list:

  • Implementing a campus climate survey
  • Diversity in the curriculum
  • Follow-up and evaluation of revision of Penn's Affirmative Action Statement to include gender identity
  • Revising the Equal Opportunity Policy
It looks like the committee will start from scratch this year and that's a real shame!

I hope it isn't the case and that current members of the committee do their homework and take a look at last year's annual report and begin making recommendations to University Council. But, I'm not going to hold my breadth.

It's time for the University to start explaining what's going on.



Min. Jay Benjamin said...

I think it is very interesting to see the turnover in such a short period of time. On one hand, I share in your confusion and dismay, as it were, but on the other hand, I feel like maybe a room full of "fresh" faces will actually be more likely to get something done. Hopefully, the committee will hit the ground running and actually be determined to get something done unlike the committee has been able to do in recent years which was part of the what led to the resignation of certain members of the committee. However, realistically...this isn't a reasonable expectation. Even though I am no long formally on the committee, I will do everything I can to make sure the committee has the best chance to be productive this year.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for circulating this article. As a NEW addition to the committee, I will be sure to do my homework in advance of the first meeting.

As full-time staff, member of the Penn Professional Staff Assembly, and part-time graduate student I hope to be around a while and would be happy to serve on the committee for longer than a year. I agree that continuity on the committee is important to pushing important initiatives forward.