Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Clinton Campaign Post-Mortem

The Atantic's much-awaited article on Hillary Clinton's ill-fated campaign says that her divided staff didn't serve her well, that she didn't make hard choices, and that she rejected her chief strategist's suggestion to go after Barack Obama on his "lack of American roots."

Above all, this irony emerges: Clinton ran on the basis of managerial competence—on her capacity, as she liked to put it, to “do the job from Day One.” In fact, she never behaved like a chief executive, and her own staff proved to be her Achilles’ heel.
This is sure to make waves in the media and blogosphere. It was mentioned on CNN earlier tonight before it was even posted online, in the context of having more ammunition to attack Obama now that we know what Mark Penn' suggested line of attack for the primary. I am happy that Hillary didn't follow Penn's terrible advice.

You can also check out all the details from the "Hillary Clinton Memos" yourself.


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