Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Day After NH, Taking Stock

It is the day after the primary and since I'm on the email list of both Obama and Edwards, I got their post-New Hampshire emails. First let's look at their subject lines:

Obama: We knew this would be hard
Edwards: Two down 48 to go

Obama is stressing how everyone was saying he had no chance and that things are only just beginning. Edwards for his part is reassuring his supporters that he isn't going anywhere.

Their messages:


There is something happening in America.

A week ago we were 14 points behind, and no one imagined that we'd accomplish what we did in New Hampshire last night.

There is something happening when Americans who have never participated in politics turn out in numbers we've never seen before.

There is something happening when people vote not just for the party they belong to but the hopes they hold in common.

Change is what's happening in America.

Two races down. Forty-eight states left to go. Today, 1% of Americans have voted -- 99% have not.

And those 99% deserve to have their voices heard, because I have met too many Americans whose voices have not been heard in this democracy.

That's what this battle is all about -- and it's why I'm asking you to continue standing with me as we take this fight all the way to the Democratic convention and then on to the White House.

We stand at a crossroads in American history -- and we know what needs to be done. The only question is whether we have the backbone, the will, and the determination to go there. I want to be clear: I intend to be the nominee of our party.
Here is Clinton's victory speech which I liked. Her opening line, "I listened to you and in the process I found my own voice" was great. The background of her speech no longer had Madelaine Albright, Bill Clinton, etc...

Unfortunately, under 2,000 people have watched it on Youtube. Whereas, by this time the day after Iowa 100,000+ people had watched Obama's speech. She doesn't seem to have the same online excitement, which is too bad because it is a great anti-Bush speech. Notice that it is much more partisan than Obama's speeches and tone thus far in the campaign. I think that his post-partisan rhetoric has hurt him among hardcore partisan democrats.

More to come...


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