Saturday, January 26, 2008

Obama's Barnburner South Carolina Victory Speech

I am blown away. An incredible speech. Here are some quick hits and I hope to offer more commentary after I can rewatch it and read the transcript.

First, the setting. There is a very diverse crowd and a substantial number of young people, although it is mostly white faces behind the podium. Here are some of the quotes, which are in chronological order:

"We have the most votes, the most delegates and the most diverse coalition we've seen in a long long time."

He referred to the "Young people across the country who haven't had a reason to participate until now" which received a huge roar from the crowd.

"tired of business as usual"

"hungry for change"

"Fundamentally change the status quo in Washington"

"This election is the about the past versus the future"

Edwards and Clinton concede shortly after Obama spoke.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

agreed! but i'm a little biased.

i thought the last box on the fourth page of cnn's exit poll was not particularly good news for obama since voters are clearly deciding based on race and gender. clinton secured almost a two to one advantage over obama among white women(~35-40% of the general democratic electorate if i'm not mistaken) even with homeboy edwards still in the race. super tuesday(and florida?) will definitely be a treat for all interested!