Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Online Coverage of Tonight's Primary Results

Brave New Films will be hosting live video coverage of tonight's New Hampshire primary .

HOSTS: Cenk Uygur and Wes Clark, Jr.
WHERE: http://bravenewfilms.org/election

7:10: Robert Greenwald, Brave New Films
7:40: Matthew Yglesias, The Atlantic
7:50: Robin Abcarian, L.A. Times
8:00: Billy Wimsatt, League of Young Voters
8:10: Rachel Sklar, The Huffington Post
8:20: Jane Hamsher, Firedoglake
8:30: Jim Dean, Democracy For America
8:40: Steve Clemons, The Note
9:00: Lane Hudson, News for the Left
9:10: Isaiah Poole, TomPaine.com
9:40: James Rucker, Color of Change
10:00: Liza Sabater, Culture Kitchen
10:10: Eric Boehlert, Media Matters

...and more still being added...

I missed the Iowa live coverage, but read that it was great. I am going to miss the live coverage tonight, but will catch up on all of the results when I get home. I also just got a call from Spencer Scharff, C'06, who was in Iowa helping out the Obama campaign and got to witness things first hand. He confirmed much of what I have been reading/seeing both online and on television.

A few more Facebook status updates since my last post:
  • Dorna Mohaghegh loves this quote from an ABC news article about turnout in the NH primaries: "towns are starting to get concerned that they don't have enough ballots." Hell yea.
  • Alexis Ruby Howe is has her fingers crossed for Hillary in NH!
  • Steven Parks likes Obama, but likes Hillary a lot more…since when did being a candidate with experience, substance, and an actual plan for our country become a bad thing?!

Update: Jason Lee, a Wharton junior, who I had the pleasure to work with on the Undergraduate Assembly last year, also emailed me to let me know he was in NH working for Obama. He said it was "crazy".

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