Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keep going after young voters!!

I have been following and linking to Mike Connery's ongoing coverage of the progress being made in youth mobilization and voter turnout as well as the efforts by the various campaigns to attract young voters.

Like we saw in Iowa, young voters turned out en masse in South Carolina, as Mike reports,

Turnout in the Democratic Primary in South Carolina almost tripled yesterday. According to CIRCLE, 74,245 young voters went to the polls, 19 percent of eligible young voters. In 2004, only 26,181 voters aged 18 to 29 participated. As a share of the electorate, young voters made up 14 percent of the electorate, an increase of 5 percent over the previous cycle.
Also of interest were two videos by the Obama and Clinton campaigns targeted at youth. Check them out.

I liked both videos and hope that the campaigns continue to target youth and build excitement around the 2008 election.


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